Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Learning how to blog

Dear all

This is all brand new for me but I am glad I started Learning 2.0 so I can be ready when this technology becomes a part of my work in the State Library and I don't know it might be fun!

Life Long Learning is important in this day and age where the technology changes quickly so you can keep up with it and not be left behind. This is what was happening to me. I don't even own a computer or a ipod so to learn the 2.0 tools at work is necessary to keep me up to date with all that is happening in the State Library so I keep can keep ahead of any changes happening in the Library due to new technology.

"Rare and underdone" is a very good blog and I am hoping I can do as good a job for my missing book blog which I will hopefully be able to do each week. It is well set out and the images add to the blog.

I think we should have a blog for Missing books because it can keep staff aware of the missing book searches and where they are found, post comments or suggestions. It could have tips for staff so they could find the book(s) at the Request Desks not after the client has left and staff and clients could ask for searches to be done within a reasonable amount of time but it should be made "missing" before the search is done.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Great idea ... I hope it helps locate some of the missing items.

Mylee (PLS)