Monday, July 14, 2008

LibraryThing - my thoughts

I looked at our LibraryThing account and its great that you can see the covers of the books listed so you know what they look like if you are searching for that particular book

The list gives you all the information you need about the book and who is sharing these books with us

After I created an account I added five of my favourite books and the ones I'm reading now and then using the instructions in the website I added a widget to my blog and a search box too for good measure whatever a widget is!

Its great to be able to store your favourite books in LibraryThing for all to see and you to share with other people

Well, I've finally finished Week 8 and next week I'll do more

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Thanks for sharing your reading and your ideas about LibraryThing

Ellen (PLS)