Monday, July 21, 2008


Well I seen a few podcasts now and its great when you listen to them because the screens are very psychedelic! The ones from OCLS Podcasts were a good example!

The ABC was good as it was all under subject headings and then podcasts. The best was history.

Denver Public Library was great as I found an interview with Harry and The Potters but they were a band not the cast members of the Harry Potter movies. Oh well. I was a bit too hopeful!

Anyway I checked out Books quick and simple and listened to White giraffe which was a book review, Moraine Valley commmunity college with an introduction to their college and Worthington libraries : programs to go which was good as it had summer reading and programs for adults to do like career courses.

Podcasting could be used for book reviews, new exhibitions, introductions to the library and staff orientation to name a few that the library could use them for.

I did find the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes using Google which were several podcasts of the different stories which make up this book which was very good.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Sounds like you had a really interesting exploration of podcasts!

Ellen (PLS)