Sunday, July 13, 2008


Techonarti is great as all the posts, blogs, photos and videos are all in one place!

When I put in "bookmobile" the results were 1,317 and it brought up everything on Bookmobiles whether it was relevant or not so then I tried Advanced search.

You have Keyword to search in all blogs, blogs about and this blog URL. I tried them all and all blogs is basically the same as the search box but blogs about gives the option whether to have authority or not which is helpful when looking for reputable blogs to refer to and the results were 1,321.

These searches tended to be the same using both search and advanced search though in advanced search you could be very specific about what your terms were and where you want to find this information.

I tried a URL search for nswpln2008 but it wasn't our website and not much turned up when I tried the State Library of NSW but nswpln2008 looked good and had posts and photos and had tags to search which could lead you other blogs and other key posts and new stories to select and it was nice to see someone had gone to the trouble of setting it up on Techonarti and I hope we will be there soon.

Its good to know there's one place to go to see that many blogs in one place, at least as a starting point.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

Google blog search is also worth a look.

Mylee (PLS)